At Litigant, we understand the nuanced complexities of dispute resolution. Recognising the growing interest and need for mediation within the legal community, we've been developing a comprehensive Mediation Toolkit. This toolkit is designed to complement and enhance the already significant experience of legal professionals, providing additional resources to further aid in mediation preparation and execution.

Gaining Deeper Insights into Mediation

Our toolkit will include a detailed overview of mediation. While experienced lawyers will already have a strong understanding of mediation, this component of the toolkit offers a refresher on the process and touches on some less commonly considered aspects. It's always beneficial to review fundamentals, and our overview aims to do just that.

Facilitating Communication with the Other Party

The toolkit is set to feature a template for a letter inviting the other party to participate in mediation. This component will be designed to provide a structured approach to proposal communication while leaving ample room for personalised adaptation.

Assisting in Mediator Selection

Recognising that the choice of mediator can significantly impact the process and outcome of mediation, our toolkit will include a list of some of the commonly used mediation service providers. This resource is intended to aid in the initial stages of mediator selection, providing a starting point rather than an exhaustive list.

Guiding Mediation Preparation

A highlight of the toolkit will be the Mediation Preparation Sheet. This sheet is designed to provide a structured approach to guide users in identifying key issues, understanding each party's interests and goals, and planning communication strategies. While we understand that experienced lawyers have their own preparation methods, this guide may offer a different perspective or highlight aspects that might have been overlooked, or just help with putting it all together. The tables included in the sheet will require a substantial amount of work to prepare but when the stakes are high they may just make all the difference between an optimal result and a sub-par outcome. 

A Note of Welcome

We appreciate that mediation can be a rigorous and challenging process, even for seasoned legal professionals. That's why our toolkit will include a letter of introduction, acknowledging the user's commitment to effective dispute resolution and offering our support.

Please note that while our Mediation Toolkit is designed to assist and enhance your mediation preparation and execution, it is intended as a guide only. We recognise the breadth of experience of our users, and we encourage you to adapt and utilise these resources in a manner that best suits your unique approach and the specifics of your case.

At Litigant, we're committed to supporting the legal community through practical resources and insightful guidance. Keep an eye out for the release of our Mediation Toolkit – we're excited to share it with you.